





What Is The Treatment For Acute Cervicitis?

What Is The Treatment For Acute Cervicitis?

Acute cervicitis in the past rare, mainly seen in infectious abortion, puerperal infection, cervical injury and vaginal foreign body complicated by infection, pathogens as staphylococcus, streptococcus, enterococcus bacteria such as generalized purulent. In recent years, with an increase in sexually transmitted diseases, acute cervicitis has become a common diseases.


Currently the most common acute clinical cervicitis mucopurulent cervicitis for , is characterized in the cervical canal or cervical swab specimens to see the naked eye or mucopurulent purulent secretions, use cotton swabs Wipe cervical canal, the easily induced cervical bleeding. Mucopurulent cervicitis mainly pathogens Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis. However, some pathogens MPC unclear. Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae were infected with cervical columnar epithelium, along the mucosal surface caused by the proliferation of superficial infection to cervical lesions significantly. In addition to cervical columnar epithelium, the invasion of Neisseria gonorrhoeae is also often the urethra transitional epithelium, paraurethral and vestibular gland. Staphylococcus, streptococcus more involving the cervical lymphatic vessels, or intrusion into the deep cervical stroma.


What is the treatment for acute cervicitis?


Some patients are usually given antibiotics to treat cervicitis, but sometimes they can’t help. Antibiotics are always with their side effects. They cannot be used for a long time and may cause damage to the cervix. What is the better treatment? After over 30 years of studying and researching, Dr. Lee Xiaoping from Wuhan Dr. Lee's TCM Clinic has successfully produced a herbal remedy named Fuyan Pill which has been patented by SIPO of China, for treating acute cervicitis. Fuyan Pill has the particular herbal formula which can help to clear inflammatory in the cervix effectively. As the formula of Fuyan Pill is strictly controlled, it's a very safe herbal remedy with no side effect. Many patients have recovered in three months after receiving this remedy.

article source : http://global.fuyanpills.com/DT/Cervicitis/2012/1230/cervicitis.html



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How to treat infertility caused by chlamydia infection?

How to treat infertility caused by chlamydia infection?

Chlamydia is a pathogen which can infect men's and women's reproductive systems. If chlamydia infection is left untreated or has been maltreated, it may cause infertility. 

How does chlamydia cause infertility?
Men's urinary system and genital system shares the same opening at the penis. As a result, pathogens, like chlamydia, infects men's urethra before it infects other parts of the body. In the beginning, urinary discomfort are common symptoms. Chlamydia can then infect prostate gland or bladder later after that. Then possibly infect epididymis, testis, and seminal vesicle. 
A fertility problem may occur on men with prostatitis, epididymitis, seminal vesiculitis, or orchitis, as these diseases can affect the producing or subsisting of sperm. Motility, PH, liquefaction and density of semen are always effected after men's genital system is infected with chlamydia. Chlamydia also can attach on semen cells to effect their activity. Another important aspect is that chlamydia causes semen deformity. Survey found that semen deformity rate on men with chlamydia infection can be as high as 80%. 
Damage can remain after the pathogen is cleared up if the infection has been existing for long enough. This is the reason why some men who have had chlamydia infection before may suffer from a infertility. 
How to treat infertility caused by chlamydia infection?
Chlamydia trachomatis, the pathogen to cause chlamydia infection, can affect any organs of genital system, one or many. To treat infertility caused by previous chlamydia infection, the medicine must can reverse function of the organs. Antibiotics can kill chlamydia trachomatis in a short time but they cannot reverse the damaged tissue. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is the very medicine to treat such a infertility. 
By promoting blood and Qi circulation, dissolving stasis, dissipating hard lumps, clearing away heat and dampness, subsiding swell or congestion, with the mighty self-healing capability of the body, damaged tissues or organs can be treated. This is how Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill works on infertility caused by previous chlamydia infection. 
To take Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill to treat such an infertility, you need to:
- Take the pills for three months. 
- Keep the required diet: spicy foods and condiment, poultry, fish, beef, seafood, onions, durians, pickles, alcohol and milk are forbidden. 
No other herbs or herbal products are allowed during medication. Ask Dr. Lee if you're on some medication or need to take other medicine.

article source : http://www.diureticspill.com/Medical_Use/Chlamydia/20120517/chlamydia-infertility.html

How does Traditional Chinese Medicine treats chlamydia infections?

How does Traditional Chinese Medicine treats chlamydia infections?

Antibiotics is often prescribed by doctors when chlamydia infection is diagnosed. But when antibiotics fail in treating this condition, what do you do? Ask for other antibiotics? The fact is, the more times you use one antibiotic, the less effect it takes. Is there any alternative medicine to cure chlamydia infection? 

Traditional Chinese Medicine has always been a treasure for China, it has a unique system and lots of apparently special theories. Traditional Chinese Medicine cures chlamydia infection as well. Among all herbs, there're some which are highly effective in clearing away heat and toxic materials. To be more specifically, some herbs can clear up pathogens and treat infections just like antibiotics can do. Honeysuckle, Scutellaria Baicalensis, Fructus Gardeniae are all herbs which are highly effective in killing pathogens, they're widely used when treating infections. 
Only these three herbs are far more enough from completely curing chlamydia infection. As chlamydia infection brings different symptoms and may result in several complications in men and women, herbalists would compose different formulas for treating chlamydia in either men or women. 
In men, chlamydia infection may cause discomfort with urination, discharge, painful and/or swollen testis, and swelling around the anus, herbs to promote blood circulation are also necessary in the formula for treating chlamydia infection in men. As prostatitis, epididymitis, orchitis, and seminal vesiculitis are the most common complication of the infection, the formula should also be anti-inflammatory in order to treat inflammations which are triggered by the infection. Based on all these theories, Dr. Lee Xiaoping from Wuhan Dr. Lee's TCM Clinic has produced a traditional Chinese medicine named Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill which can cure chlamydia and its complications in men within three months. 
In women, except for discomfort with urination, chlamydia also may cause abdominal pain, painful intercourse, abnormal bleeding or vaginal discharge. Therefore, herbs for promoting blood and Qi circulation, and herbs for regulating menses are also required in the formula for treating chlamydia in women. As chlamydia left untreated can result in tubal blockage, hydrosalpinx, pelvic inflammatory disease, and sometimes endometritis, a comprehensive formula for treating chlamydia and its complications should contain herbs which can treat these conditions as well. This is how Fuyan Pill's formula is composed. 
Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill and Fuyan Pill have been used in Wuhan Dr. Lee's TCM Clinic for over years and have already successfully cured thousands of sufferers with stubborn chlamydia infection. As Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill and Fuyan Pill are traditional Chinese medicines to cure chlamydia infection, they are with no side effect at all. They bring no damage to kidneys or liver while treating the infection, as a result, traditional Chinese medicines can be the most appropriate alternatives for chlamydia infection.



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